Junior School
Learning Through Inquiry in the Junior School
At Wenona, the Junior School is split over two campuses. Woodstock for Kindergarten to Year 3 and Hooke House for Years 4 to 6.
Teaching and learning in the Junior School is built upon a philosophy of inquiry that celebrates curiosity, encourages students to be active participants in their learning, celebrates collaboration, questioning, global perspectives, personal challenge and achievements. At Wenona, learning is a lifelong journey and not a destination.
The Junior School students cover the NESA curriculum which includes English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History, Geography, French, Mandarin, Creative and Performing Arts and Personal Development Health and Physical Education. Where possible learning is transdisciplinary to encourage creative and critical thinking across disciplines.

Wenona is an authorised International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in Kindergarten to Year 6. IB World Schools share a common philosophy - a commitment to nurture the skills and understandings necessary to become self-aware and self-determining life-long learners with the values and principles of internationally minded citizens. Rich and dynamic learning experiences empower student voice, choice and agency to reveal the innate capacity of even our youngest learners to be agents of change in their community.
The Educational Support Services team provides learning support, English language support and gifted and talented extension programs. In Year 5, girls begin Renaissance Studies.
As a proud Kindergarten to Year 12 School, all education is underpinned by a learning framework that aims to provide a common language and understanding, which all teachers and students can work towards and meet within their classroom and across the School.
Our Woodstock piazza space is purpose-built provide for hands-on activities, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to experiential learning. All students enjoy the use of Wenona’s Visual Arts studios, gymnasiums and swimming pools.
Our Outdoor Education program offers a range of challenging and exhilarating experiences designed to foster friendships and develop a sense of adventure, resilience, responsibility, leadership, teamwork and personal growth. Girls in Years 3 to 6 participate in specially designed camps.
Pastoral Care is a vital part of Wenona life; we actively foster girls’ wellbeing and sense of community from Kindergarten. For more information on how our Junior School classroom teachers, Year Coordinators and Heads of School guide each girls’ social and emotional development, view our approach to Pastoral Care.