Garden Café
This lively, student-designed eatery in the middle of our campus offers a wide range of quality fresh food and drinks to both students and staff.
For your convenience the Flexischools online facility allows students’ lunches to be pre-ordered and paid for, either on the day (please note, orders must be in by 9:30am) or up to one week in advance. There is a small fee of 25 cents per order for this service.
Registering to use the service is quick and easy. Simply go to and click 'Register'. You will be prompted to enter your email address, then sent an email with a link and instructions for completing the process. Selecting your child’s class details will ensure meals are sent to the right classroom. You can choose to either pay for individual orders by credit card or transfer funds into your account using Direct Deposit or PayPal and pay this way.
Please view the Garden Café menu here.(PDF 3.2MB)