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Up and Atom: Year 10 visit ANSTO

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Last week, some of our Year 10 students went behind the scenes at ANSTO, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, for a closer look into the world of nuclear science and its role in finding solutions for health, the environment and industry. Here's what Grace (Year 10) had to say.

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“Last Tuesday, the Year 10 Science classes ventured to the home of Australia’s only nuclear facility: ANSTO. Despite the nervous chatter about radiation poisoning or turning into the next Peter Parker, we were assured that we were all safe!

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We were surprised to learn that ANSTO’s facilities are actually the most radiation-free places in Sydney. Their highly developed technology allows them to detect and prevent any leaks, and keep anything harmful securely stored.

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As the tour began, we learned that, ANSTO – despite the stigmas that surround it - is not an energy-producing, dangerous nuclear facility. In fact, ANSTO uses neutrons created from the fission of uranium to research both medical and environmental science. In fact, their innovative research has landed them at the forefront of expert thinking.

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Towards the end of the day, we were once again assured that we would not be turning into superheroes (much to our disappointment), but instead that we have much to thank nuclear research for. Many of us were touched to discover that new technology currently being developed could eliminate forms of cancer.

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As a result of our visit to ANSTO, some of us are considering future careers as nuclear chemists or physicists.”

Grace (Year 10)

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