Meetings of scientific minds
Science Week this week wrapped fun around scientific principles and learning.

Energy changes have been a focus for Year 8 Science lately and this week they felt the real thing at the top of the Luna Park rollercoaster as gravitational energy switched to kinetic on the way down.

There was the seemingly impossible task of building a curve, even complete circles, out of Pringle chips on a windy day.

Scientific minds found common ground when local Federal MP, Mr Trent Zimmerman, visited Woodstock on Friday.

Year 1 had been discussing The Great Barrier Reef, its features and problems. He told them he made a speech in Parliament just last night about plastic pollution, such as bags and bottles, in the ocean.

Year 1 were making sieves to see if, on a small scale, they could get pollution out of water to improve it for marine life.

Zoe from Year 1 explained it to Mr Zimmerman: “We’re doing an experiment and if it works in the experiment, then it might work in real life.”
Not to be outdone, Years 9 and 10 STEM group were working on model solar cars in their lunch break, and the cars sped down the track with ease when they showed Mr Zimmerman.

The girls also chatted with him about their model planes built with 3D-printed parts of different profiles they’d designed, plus last year’s bionic hand project and their Car Restoration Club.