Cyber safety for juniors
Senior Constable Natalie Maher – also a Wenona Alumna – visited at Hooke House Tuesday and told Years 5 and 6 of the many and varied police tasks she undertook before she became Youth Liaison Officer at North Sydney Local Area Command. Snr Constable Maher delighted the girls by telling them that, years ago in Miss Jackson’s day, she once sat exactly where they now sit.
“And, just think – in 10 or 15 years’ time, any of you could be standing up here as I am today, telling younger Wenona girls about your police work,” she quipped.
Snr Constable Maher later gave tips on careful internet use, cyber safety and dangers but, by popular demand, first answered questions about her most fascinating equipment belt, and handcuffed Celia of Year 5, who was eager to try the cuffs for size.