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Reshape the narrative

Emily, one of our Wellbeing Captains, is not afraid to shape her own story.

In writing this speech I really struggled to put into words ‘my story’. What is my story? How at 17 am I meant to know what my story is? Well, the truth is I’m not. Your ‘story’ is simply a collection of moments and decisions, some more defining than others, that mould to create the person you are and, looking forward, the person you want to be. Your story is not set in stone, or laid out for you, rather, it is made with every step you take, and you have the power to change it as you wish.

For me, the most defining moment in my story thus far has been moving to Wenona in Year 9. Moving schools was a big and daunting decision for me. I had been at my old school since Year 2, my Mum was an old girl and it was only 5 minutes up the road from home, so it seemed like a natural step to take. However, I started to realise it wasn’t for me. Moving to Wenona taught me not only about who I am and who I want to be, but also that I have the strength to alter the course of my story.

No matter how big or small, every decision can influence your life and who you are as a person. After all, when you are writing a story, the first draft is not the final product. You will edit, make cuts, erase phrases, and reshape the narrative. So, I urge you all to take a step today, no matter how seemingly insignificant or overwhelming this may feel.

Year 7 and 8 students: you may decide to sit next to someone new in one of your classes or put yourself out there in some way.
Year 9 and 10 students: you may try talking to someone you don’t normally – there are amazing people you may not have even spoken to that will prove to be important characters in the story you tell.
Year 11: maybe try a new sport or join a new club, as it’s never too late to try something new.
Year 12: as we are soon making the transition out of high school remember that it is never too late to change your path; we may have to try 20 different things before we find what we love and that’s fine.

So don’t be afraid to start shaping the story that you want to tell.

And now to finish in the wise words of Lin-Manuel-Miranda from Hamilton “You are the one thing in life you can control. You are inimitable. You are an original… just you wait”.


Emily, Year 12
2021/2022 Wellbeing Captain