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Mr David Cook

Mr Cook has joined Wenona as our Senior Deputy Principal. Mr Cook is an outstanding educational leader, having most recently been Acting Principal, Head of Senior School and Deputy Principal at Hills Grammar School.


Prior to Hills Grammar, Mr Cook was Head of Senior School and Deputy Principal at Masada College, as well as a Head of Mathematics in two schools. He holds a Master of Education (Educational Leadership) from the University of Wollongong and a Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Education from Macquarie University.

His extensive experience as an educator and leader will enable him to support all aspects of school life, developing and supporting the broader executive team, as well as providing leadership of staff and students.


Mr Cooke reflects on his impressions of Wenona thus far:

Since joining Wenona only two and a half weeks ago, I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing people. From the staff who have been so welcoming and thoughtful, to the parents at a recent WPA event, and of course the students who make up the very fabric that is Wenona.

In a recent meeting I described Wenona as a place of community, of young women who are looking to not only find their place in the world outside of Wenona, but to also make their mark as confident, resilient ambassadors. A definite highlight has been, and will continue to be, the morning greeting from each girl as they enter the School; their smiling faces and warm greetings have made me feel welcome from the very first day.

Throughout my career, the message I have always attempted to instil into our young people is that we need to uphold the value of respect. If we respect ourselves, each other, and our world then all other values will fall into place. I have been so impressed by the level of respect I have seen by the girls of Wenona, and I look forward to adding just that little bit more to their story of learning across the many opportunities afforded to them here.